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Cutting board


How to Clean a Cutting Board?

Cutting boards are one of the most practical products that make your work in the kitchen easier. This material, which is the first thing that comes to mind for chopping meat and chicken and salads, can be a bit difficult for you to clean because it requires special care. Since they are made of wood, cutting boards can easily deteriorate at high temperatures, and the same can happen if they are exposed to water for a long time. For this reason, cutting boards should be hand washed and dried. Cutting boards, which are often used for tasks that do not make the board too dirty, such as cutting bread, should not foam after such simple tasks. Frequent washing will shorten the life of your cutting board considerably. But of course, when it is used for fatty foods such as meat or juicy foods such as tomatoes, it should be cleaned immediately. Once you're done, lather your cutting board in oval motions with a dish sponge and detergent, then rinse with plenty of water and dry with a tea towel or paper towel. After drying, do not immediately put it in your closet, drawer or a closed area, but leave it out in the open. This is because wood exposed to a lot of water needs to be ventilated to release its moisture. Ventilate your cutting board by placing it behind your sink or in your dish rack and after a few hours you can reuse it as you wish or put it in your drawer.

How to remove odor from a cutting board?

The first method of removing odor from your cutting board is cleaning with mineral water, which can be found in every home. By slowly pouring mineral water onto your cutting board, it is possible to remove the particles remaining on the textured surface of the board. The mineral water in its liquid form will reach every particle of this textured surface and, thanks to its acid, will help the particles in between to come to the surface and be cleaned. Another method is to use lemon and sea salt, which is a food with high acidity. If it is within your means, after pouring sea water on your cutting board, it is possible to cut a lemon in half and clean your cutting board with a piece of it. Oxygenated water is another liquid that has the same acidic effect and helps to remove particles from your cutting board. Pouring oxygenated water on your board and letting it sit for about 5 minutes will help remove the odor-causing food particles. The only thing left to do is to clean your cutting board with a sponge. When cutting boards are not cleaned properly, they can cause a bad odor that increases in intensity when left damp after washing. First of all, to prevent this from happening, you should make sure that you have foamed, rinsed, dried and mortared the board correctly. But of course, even if you have done everything right, the textured nature of wood can allow particles from some food products to adhere to its surface and give off a bad odor. If products with intense odors such as meat and fish are frequently used on your cutting board, you may find that the odors of these foods permeate your cutting board after a while. If you have encountered such a situation, it is possible to get rid of this odor with a few different methods.

What Causes Blackening on Cutting Board and How to Clean It?

Placemats are table accessories that can be thought of as personalized runners. American services, which can be used to create a sportier and more intimate environment, will of course add elegance to your table with their colors and designs. Placemats, which are much smaller in size than runners because they are personalized, can be 30 x 40 cm or 29 x 42 cm in size. Their designs are much more different and varied than runners.

What Are the Types of Placemats?

There are two methods of cleaning tarnish that can be done with two different materials. The first is to pour vinegar on your cutting board and wait for about 5 minutes and then rub the blackened parts and clean them. The second method is to pour baking soda in powder form on the surface of your cutting board and then rub it with half a lemon. When you do this, you can witness the baking soda and lemon acid slowly remove the stains on your board by creating bubbles. For a more detailed cleaning, you can get rid of blackening by running half a lemon over the surface of the board like a dish sponge. Cutting boards, which require special attention, definitely deserve this attention by providing convenience in all kinds of kitchen work. However, if this attention is not provided by cleaning, your cutting board will gradually move away from being a healthy kitchen utensil. Cutting boards that are not cleaned well, are not frequently cleaned of food particles left on the board, or are not dried after the cleaning process will darken after a while. If these tarnishings, which can be seen on the top surfaces and edges, are not intervened, a new cutting

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